Thursday, May 28, 2009

Check it out!!!!


I couldn't be more excited. I am amazed how everything fell into place
but now I get to see how all this will unfold. There is just no words to explain
what me,my family,and producer are feeling. Praise God!

I have a website with previews of the songs,lyrics,and more! The website isn't completley finished but it should be by tonight!
I would LOVE it, if you would check it out. Its
You can also pre-order the CD right now! Its 10$ and 13.78 with shipping.
(I'm almost postive thats what it costs with shipping.)

You guys are amazing. Putting up with me talking about it all the time and writing
blogs about it. You guys are so encouraging and I am blessed to have you all as friends!

Love you all!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Relay For Life 09'

Hey Everyone!

Relay For Life in Ripon is on Saturday!
I'm singing for the luminary service again!
I am so excited.
I'm singing a song that I wrote called, "Even When."
I'm pretty sure lots of you have heard me sing that song.
Haha. I know God is going to do awesome things.
He always does. And its always amazing to watch. =)

For those of you that don't know..
A Luminary Service is when its really dark.
I think it starts at 9pm and I sing around 9:45-10:00.
And there is bleachers with little white bags filled with sand and
one candle. The boy scouts arrange it on the bleachers to spell
out "HOPE." Then if you know someone who died of cancer or
survived cancer, you write (if you want to) on this little white bag with sand and a candle
inside and basically you just write a little note. Example: "Dad-We miss you and will always love you." And then you put them all around the track. Its really beautiful. Then we have a service.
A speech. Then a song. Then a slide show. And finally the survivors of cancer take one lap around the track. And then we all join them. Yes, its emotional. But I love that part of Relay. Its just amazing.

I encourage you guys to come out. I should be there most of the day.
There is food,games,little stores,raffles,free music, and lots more!
All the money you spend goes to American Cancer Society.
To help find a cure for cancer.

Its just an all around fun time.
Its in Ripon at Ripon Christian Highschool.
Shouldn't be hard to find cause that town is
so small and its gonna be filled with cars going to Relay.

Please come! And if you do, call me or text me.
And we can hang out!


Friday, May 8, 2009


.Sad news.

My CD will be done 30 days from MONDAY. Grr. But thats ok.
It takes time to make a CD and get everything perfect.
But yeah. I'm still kinda sad. And I feel so bad cause all the people
that have been walking through this crazy journey have been waiting
for it to come out since FOREVER. Haha. Now I have to tell them its gonna be
even longer. But anyways...

I'm getting braces in July =( =)
I'm happy for the end result but
not too excited to have them on for 2 years and 2 months.

But I only have 4 more lessons in reading.
And then I am DONE. So I am really getting out of
school on MONDAY. =))))))))))

I am so excited. Its a progressive dinner.
So we go to a house for appetizers. Then another house for dinner.
Then another house for dessert. Yay =) I'm so excited.

Tomorrow I'm singing at a banquet in Sacramento.
That should be really fun. I love all my sacramento peeps!
So much!

Okay well, I gotta go do school.
Love you all!


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Funny with a headache..

So we are sending in everything on Friday.
So 30 days from Friday my CD will be DONEEEE.
Pray pray pray pray pray!! Im so excited!

Okay now I'm gonna explain my title of this post..
On the cd there was a mess up..and we kept calling my
producer saying we needed to redo it before tons of copys are
published. And he kept saying ,"The professionols don't hear it. So
it doesn't need to be re done." And we kept telling him "No, it really needs to be re done."
And he came by my house today and showed me what it sounded like and the mess up
WASN'T THERE. We replayed it and replayed it. We realized that somehow when they were burning a copy for me the machine messed up. So therfore, a funny story but definitly made us get a headache,haha.

Love you all!


Monday, April 20, 2009

it's been a while...


Where do I start?!
its been forever and a half!

For those of you that don't know..
My cd is almost done!!!
And it should be released in a month!
I'm so excited and would LOVE prayer!!
Thank you so much! Anything I could pray for you
about just comment this post. Or text me if its personal
or somethin.

Can I get an amen?!?!?!?!?
He is showing me alot right now.
In Jr.High we have this Devo plan. For the
month of April we all read a chapter a day.
And since there is 30 days in April and 31 Chapters
in Proverbs, we will read 2 chapters on the last day.
But God is showing me alot about keeping my mouth shut
when I really want to agrue or say something I shouldn't. And I also
learned that if you want to be sucessful you have to be a hard worker. A lazy man (or women)
gets no where in life. So thats been going really well. Hmmmm...

Oh I have been seeing soooooo many movies latley.
Let's see: Knowing-AMAZING but had a dumb ending.
17 Again-Bad. Some good parts. But mostly awkward and
innaproprite. I don't encourage you to see it (I thought it was PG)
Hannah Montanna-GREAT! Silly,Cute,and Fun. Dumb ending but good enough.
Monsters VRS. Aliens-I slept through alot of it. But the parts I saw was pretty boring.
Some really funny parts. Thats about it.

Lots of Birthdays this month too!
Summer,My Mamma,Dylan (my bro's friend)
and Darylyn's is comin' up. So fun!!!
Happy Early Birthday Darylyn!!
Love you!

I guess thats about it. My week consists of school,practice,chores,
recording,and Church. Haha. BUt I love it. OH MY GOSH!

ONLY 19 DAYS TIL' SCHOOL ENDS (not including today.)

Love you all and sorry it took forever for
me to post. Life is crazy and is FLYING by!
But I love my life. =)


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Mokeek and I

Ok Mo, here are the pics you wanted. I love youuuuu and thank you for listening to my depressing story and my EXCITING story. You are AMAZING!

Monday, March 16, 2009

School,Music,and Life

I can't wait till we get off school. I'm counting down the days.
I am trying to have a good attitude about it but ughhh. Not my "cup of tea."
Whatever, I still have four more years of school. Might as well get used to it.

Life is pretty great in general. God is (as always) amazing. And He has shown me
so much this year. I started reading through the bible in a year with Brio (a girls christian mag.)
P.s. If you want to read through the bible too then go to it should be there.
If you need more help email me.
So ever since I started that on January 1 God has just revealed himself to me and I have learned so much. There is still some areas in my life that I need to work on but I'm trying to be better. Like shyloh says, I am "under construction." Lol.

I would really love some prayer. To have patience. To love people no matter how they act or what they say towards me. To be an example. And just to relax about music.

That brings me to one big important thing in my life. Music.
I am recording my CD on Thursday. I'm excited and a little bit nervous.
I have been working sooooo hard. I hope it will go great and that the songs will bless people.
I will be selling CD's and most likley putting them on Itunes. And probley putting video's on Youtube and Godtube. I will tell you guys when those things happen.
But when it comes right down to it...God is in control of it all. He knows every little detail.
And I just have to trust that he knows what he is doing.
I am super blessed to be getting this opportunity even if nothing comes out of it. The experience is amazing and its fun to just get your songs on a CD.

Well I better go do math. :(
Bye bye!

Love you all,

I recentley sang at Gottchalks Music Showcase for my guitar teacher John Baucum.
(Look him up on YouTube) and here are some pictures of me and the kids the also did it.
Enjoy! Notice Jeff Portinga behind Levi. Haha. They both go to our church. =)