I can't wait till we get off school. I'm counting down the days.
I am trying to have a good attitude about it but ughhh. Not my "cup of tea."
Whatever, I still have four more years of school. Might as well get used to it.
Life is pretty great in general. God is (as always) amazing. And He has shown me
so much this year. I started reading through the bible in a year with Brio (a girls christian mag.)
P.s. If you want to read through the bible too then go to BrioMag.com it should be there.
If you need more help email me. Songwriter.08@gmail.com
So ever since I started that on January 1 God has just revealed himself to me and I have learned so much. There is still some areas in my life that I need to work on but I'm trying to be better. Like shyloh says, I am "under construction." Lol.
I would really love some prayer. To have patience. To love people no matter how they act or what they say towards me. To be an example. And just to relax about music.
That brings me to one big important thing in my life. Music.
I am recording my CD on Thursday. I'm excited and a little bit nervous.
I have been working sooooo hard. I hope it will go great and that the songs will bless people.
I will be selling CD's and most likley putting them on Itunes. And probley putting video's on Youtube and Godtube. I will tell you guys when those things happen.
But when it comes right down to it...God is in control of it all. He knows every little detail.
And I just have to trust that he knows what he is doing.
I am super blessed to be getting this opportunity even if nothing comes out of it. The experience is amazing and its fun to just get your songs on a CD.
Well I better go do math. :(
Bye bye!
Love you all,
I recentley sang at Gottchalks Music Showcase for my guitar teacher John Baucum.
(Look him up on YouTube) and here are some pictures of me and the kids the also did it.
Enjoy! Notice Jeff Portinga behind Levi. Haha. They both go to our church. =)
I can't wait to hear your cd!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!
a cd??? amazing!!! great job girly!!!
♥ Caitie
dude i wanna hear yo cd! lol!!! = ]
umm omg i'm so mad u havent put up those pics of us???? when u spent the night??
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