The last time I posted was Feb.3. That was a little over a month ago!
Its crazy. Where did the time go? February seemed like it flew by!
Its been a crazy month and I know I'm not the only one who has learned alot
in the past month!
Graduation is coming up in May. I will finally be in High school. I remember
being in 6th grade and longing to be with the "Big Kids" in Jr.High. 7th grade was a blast!
It was amazing! Until Summer left, then everything seemed to go downhill from there. All I wanted was to
be in the Highschool room with my friends. I couldn't wait to get out. But a couple months into my 8th grade year God showed me alot. That I am only this age ONCE. I need to make the most of it. I started to make lots of friends in Jr.High. I soon realized that I love being in the Jr.high. I'm not saying that there isn't a time where I want to be in High school or when I want to be with my friends in High school but I'm content now. With where God has placed me and who God has placed in my life. I used to think everyone didn't like me in there and that nobody wanted to be my friend but now I realize it was me and my attitude that made it so I had no friends. I'm sure it was apparent that I didn't want to be in there. But God has made me content with where I am. And not just content but happy too! I love my Jr.high friends!! They are all amazing and sweet and I'm so grateful to have them in my life. I never thought I would graduate without Summer. I never thought I would go to camps without Summer. Ever since we were like 5 we never went to events or anything without each other. It crazy how things change. I believe that God has a plan for Summer and my life. And if that life means not going to the same church ever again then so be it. Because we all know that God's plan for our lives is wayyyyy better than any plan we could have for ourselves and his timing is always perfect. I'm not saying I don't ever miss one of my best friends going to my church. I'm not saying that its easy to go to events without her. I'm not saying that its easy to do things without her and saying "My church" instead of "Our church". But things change. And because of that...we have changed for the better. We both learned not to rely on each other but to rely on God
I also want to add that I am going to Winter Camp tomorrow!!!
I'm so excited. Evan Wickham is going to be doing worship for us!
And his wife too! I am so stoked. Well If you could pray for me, that
God would reveal himself to me that would be awesome. And also pray for the whole
camp, that God would reveal himself in their lives and also just for safety and health!
Well, I better get off to school now. I love you all!
Have a great day!
just so you know, it is way better that your close friends are your age. Because then they are going through what you're going through at the same time, and that way you aren't discontent(uncontent?) with your life and where you are in life. I know that sometimes when I hang out with older people I start wishing that I was older and that I could do what they are doing and everything, and it isn't good for me. Plus, when you are younger than people it gives you an excuse to act like little kids because they already think of you as little anyways:)) I was really sad when I had to leave jr. high. In some ways I like jr. high better than high school. I love you, I hope you're doing good! :)
hey lyssa..i got a blog aain..idk y...hopefully i can keep this one up. ha i noticed your pic for ur headline...which on is my hand...i think my hand is the pretty one and your is the wrinkled one! heheh srry had to say tht O and the white one..hehe i love ya grrly. i hope u had a good time at your camp........haha and i know u hate the "dots i do"....................................haha jk i love ya wow im being really mean to you! it jst means i love you. srry lyssa!
love your favorite...haha i not sure if i will be your fav after you read this comment! :p haha
love ya bye! :)
To mokeek,
Those are BOTH your hands. See the nial polish??? I never ever wear nail polish and both those ands have a exact same color on so HA! lol. Jk. Love you! gonna go read your blog. Bye bye.
dude its really good that you have friends in junior high! its really good to have friends you age like janelly said, i think its also good to have friends older than you though who have gone through things that you are goin through now, so that they can encourage you and be like dude i was totally there too and look what GOD did in my life!! yea but its also really important to be fellowshipping with kids your age! lol i love ya soo much my lyssa!
ps rememeber " HEY LYSSA! ITS MIDNIGHT! LOL"
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