Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Funny with a headache..

So we are sending in everything on Friday.
So 30 days from Friday my CD will be DONEEEE.
Pray pray pray pray pray!! Im so excited!

Okay now I'm gonna explain my title of this post..
On the cd there was a mess up..and we kept calling my
producer saying we needed to redo it before tons of copys are
published. And he kept saying ,"The professionols don't hear it. So
it doesn't need to be re done." And we kept telling him "No, it really needs to be re done."
And he came by my house today and showed me what it sounded like and the mess up
WASN'T THERE. We replayed it and replayed it. We realized that somehow when they were burning a copy for me the machine messed up. So therfore, a funny story but definitly made us get a headache,haha.

Love you all!


1 comment:

Darylyn Aubrey Starn said...

haha that made me smile!! = ] hey u me hang out sooooooooon! = ] love you lyssa