So I was thinking...
"See that guy over there??? He is my dad."
"Hey, Watch out. That other guy over there is my Bodyguard."
HAHAHA Good times at Enoch's Basketball Games.
Summer and I went to Ty's (you all know him. But I don't wanna say his last name.)
basketball game at Johanson. He plays on the JV team for Enochs. It was really funn.
We bought skittles and pizza. Pretty much amazing. So this little kid came over to me and summer. And he was like trying to be sneaky but it was SO obvious. So he ran back to his little friends and was screaming. BUt he came back over andI didn't know what he wanted so I thought.."Oh ok. Maybe he wants to play tag." So I YELL "TAG YOUR IT. WHAT NOW???" haha. He wasn't playing tag.
He ran away. Then He came over AGAIN and blew kisses at ME!!! EW. And I was like "Uhhh...How old are you??" and the kid was like "8." I asked him what his name was. I think he said Mikey. But I couldn't hear well over the game. So ya. It was funny. Then he came back AGAIN and blew me kisses. Finnaly I was like "Kid, what do you want" and he is all "Come closer." I kept saying NO and he kept repeating himself. It was weird. So I finally looked at Garth and told the little kid that he was my bodygaurd. And he's like,"No. He is your dad. And she is your sister.*pointing at summer*" So I said he was right. And he backed off. Until I was talking with Ty and a bunch of other people. And summer. lOl. And the kid came over and just stared at me and I was like" Dude watch out. He is my body gaurd." I was pointing at Ty. Mikey replied " No. He is your boyfriend." and I was like "Uh no. He is my bodygaurd." and Summer was like,"Ty. Are you Alyssa's Bodygaurd?" and Ty was like "Haha. Yeahhh." It was SO FUNNY! The kid was scared to death and he ran away.
So we went outside thinking we escaped him but then he came outside. And he kept saying" Come closer. ahhh i cant do it." and I was like "Can't do what??" and then Garth came over and he was like "HEY. (in a deeeeppppp voice) Are you messin' with my daughter????" And the little boy was like "No. ( in a really high scared voice)" and ran away for good. THAT WAS LIKE THE BEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE. lol. Not really but it was priceless. And thats about the best part of my Friday-sATURDAY with Summer.
Saturday, monique came to the park with us and we took tons of pictures. Then she called her mom to see if she could spend the night. Her mom said yes. Then we went home and got ready then Me,My mom,Monique,and my Aunt Dawn went to the Movie Theaters. We saw "Bride Wars" (by the way. It was rated PG but should have been PG-13. tHE CUTEST MOVIE but needs CLEARPLAY.) And my mom and Aunt saw "Marley and me". My mom said it was really sad but also needs clearplay. Well our movie started 20 min after their movie so we went to the photo booth and did it 2 times. I payed for one and she payed for one. They turned out SOOOO CUTE! It was such a fun time of Girl Talk and just a fun night out. Well that was a long post and now i will post some pictures of me and monique!
My mom found my memory card so I have all my detour pictures backkkkkk!!!!!
Im so happy!!!!!
Love ya!
Sounds like fun i wish i could have seen the kids face!!! = ] !!!! whelp o yea, i really like the first to pics u put up!! = ] lolz mk love u
hehe:) those pictures are CUTE CUTE CUTE:)
omgsh that was funny! I was cracking up!!!! you are so funny!
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