I pretty much LOVE that band.
I just got done emailing Darylynnnn and I was telling
her about that band. They are called TENTH AVENUE NORTH!
I actually heard of them from Ashley! Their lyrics are so solid and
just amazing. So yeahhhh you should check them out.
My favorite songs by them are "Love is here" and "By your side".
So far those are my favorites anyways. lol.
So I was going to post pictures of Detour A LONG time ago
and guess what???? I lost my memory card. Im so bummed.
It had all my pics of detour on it. Bummer. =(
So nothing really cool or important happened today but I
just wanted to write a new post. So I am going to post the 10th
picture from the 1st,3rd,and 10th album. Haha. I don't know
why but whatever. Haha. Here goes nothing.....this should be interesting....=)
Ok the one of me and monique (wow it isn't attractive at all. lol)
is going home from a wednesday night. We were in 6th grade, I belive.
And we kept taking pictures because some lights of the freeway were
really cool *notice the red and yellow in the backround
...haha....good times...
The one of the four of us is from the morning of my 13th birthday.
I love those girlys! *side note:Ashlyn was there but left right before
we started taking pictures. =( lol. love you all!
The one of that lady is kinda random. Lol. One day me and my cousin spent the
night at my Aunt's house while my uncle was in New York (I think) and we threw a
Treasure Hunt Birthday for her friend Annette. That was so much funnnn!
Thats about it!
See ya!
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