Thursday, January 1, 2009

DETOUR!!!! and my crazy holiday season

So today is DETOUR!
I am so excited!
I pray everyone on ou team(and the kids) will be healthy and STAY healthy.
Lots of people got sick last year. =( and I pray God will use us in ways never imagined.
I know its all of the Detour Team's prayer to just be a light to all theses cute kids!

Well anyways,
Sorry I haven't posted. Ever since Christmas I have NOT gotten a break.
Its insane. So heres a short version of what I have been up to.

Christmas Morning- open gifts with my Family/eat breakfast/get dressed
Christmas Afternoon-Go to Sacramento/Eat Lunchish dinner/Open gifts with Grandparents
Christmas Night- Hang out/wacth t.v/go to sleep

Dec.26- Eat Breakfast/Get dressed/Go to Jonny Rockets/Go ice skating =)))))/Do Christmas
with my uncle,aunt,and cousins/eat dinner/Watch TLC with bbff ;)))/Go to sleep
Dec.27-Eat/Get dressed/Go to Grayce's Party/Go to pizza/Hang out at Grandma's/Go home
Dec.28-Go to church/Go to the mall/Get sick =((((/sleep all day/get better at 10:00pm =)
Dec.29- Go to Sacramento to see cousins and uncle from L.A./ Exchange gifts/eat/Play games/I stayed the night =)) hat was so much fun
Dec.30-Go to Ihop with cousins,uncle,and grandparents/Go home riding in my uncle's car/Slept/went to the mall/went to my house and talked/Cousins and uncle went home =(/Go to the mall./Go to dinner/Go to Summer's house/Play Wii/be crazy and bake brownies
Dec.31-Leave Summers house/get my hair cut =))/Go home and get ready/Pick Jake up from Friends house/Go to dinner/Go to the Movie theaters/Go to a party/Go home and pack and clean/Go to sleep

and that brings us to now......DETOUR WEEK!
Pray for me,the team,the leaders,the kids,and just the entire week that Gods hand will be upon it and that we would be available for him to use us.



1 comment:

tacykerr said...

where do you get your hair cut?? honestly all week(i guess it was a week?) at detour i kept noticing how cute your hair was:) it looks really cute:) thank God nobody got sick this year:) Detour was incredible:) love you:)