Monday, December 15, 2008

The White Elephant Sweater Party.....


Let me be the first to tell you...IT WAS SUCH A WILD PARTY!
I arrived to a house full of Jr.Highers. Matt took pictures of all our sweaters
for the Jr.High picture collage. Then we prayed and had snacks. Cookies,Candy,chips and salsa,and more! After we had some snacks we sat down to start the white elephant gift giving! I was first and I read my verse and opened a box of bandannas and a tie. With beautiful "flowers" aka the bottom of the box! (Thanks Daniel! ;) ) But I convinced this one kid to steal them from me so I got a different gift. It was a box of princess stuff! Yay! =) A hot pink crown,bracelet,body shimmer,2 hand lotions,and a sleep mask. I was very excited! After everything was done we had a contest. "Who had the ugliest sweater" and the winner is....ZACK! (i don't know his last name. lol) He won for this " Land of ugliest ornaments" sweater. Very funny!
He won the amazing prize of HAIR MAYONNAISE. Haha. OUr pastors and leaders are such dorks! =) Thats why we love them! Well, I will post a few pictures even though the lighting was NOT good. =) See ya!


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