Monday, December 8, 2008

Im back! =)

I am SO sorry for not posting in forever.
My computer got a big virus and my dad couldn't fix it.
Finally he sat down and fixed it on Saturday and Sunday afternoon.
I am SO glad. Now I can email people and post blogs.

SO anyways,
the holiday season is SO busy. Every weekend is filled with a Christmas party,shopping,babysitting and hanging out with people for the holidays. Its so much fun. For me, I LOVE to be busy. I love having something to do. I bet that will change when I get married and have kids but for now I'm enjoying it. =) So here is a peek at what my week looks like...

Monday-School.Call Aunt Kathy,Grandma,Maci,Shelia..(those are all for important reasons)
Email everyone back. Jewelry Party.
Tuesday-School.Guitar Lessons. Voice Lessons. Drum lessons (for my brothers). Babysit Jared. Basketball game.
Wednesday-School. Lady's Study. Youth Group Bible study.
Thursday- School. Dentist. Babysit.
Friday-School. Christmas Party.
Saturday-Grandparents coming.Babysit. Spend the night at Aunt Kathy's.
Sunday-Go to church. Detour Meeting. Prayer meeting. Evening church.

Yeah, pretty hectic. And also put in " Chores" each day. Yuckk. =)
I'm having so much fun shopping for people this year. Since I have a job now,
its so much easier. God ALWAYS provides..doesn't he?!
Well, even though the Holiday season is crazy,fun,and sometimes stressful
don't forget the real reason for the season! JESUS! He came down from earth to be a man and die on the cross for our sins. He rose again on the third day! PRAISE THE LORD! Now we,as Christians, have the hope of eternity in heaven. What a great king we serve!

Merry Christmas ( yay! I can finally say that)

~ Alyssa ~


Anonymous said...

hehe looks like fun:) how did you get a job and I didn't?? what do you do?? merry christmas:)) love you:))

Alyssa said...

I babysit every other thursday..sometimes every thrusday..Just depends on what she needs! But yeahh.